Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How To Make Your Own Mocktail At Home

 If you are non-alcoholic but you still want to enjoy a drink with your "drinking" friends, you can go for a mocktail, it is an non-alcoholic beverage with a strong flavor. Lets see how you should make it.

  Things you need:

 6 Limes
 1 can of soda or lemonade
 2 oranges
 1 teaspoon of ground ginger
 2 green chilies


    Get the limes and cut them into four pieces each, next get the oranges and cut each of them into 8 pieces in any way you want, but with the skin in both cases.

   Now get you blender/liquidizer and add the pieces of the cut lemon, the oranges, the ground ginger and the two green chilies along with the soda or the lemonade.

   Now add a few teaspoons of sugar and switch on your blender/liquidizer until the mixture is liquidized to the maximum possible. You may now taste it a bit and add sugar to it as your taste buds please.

  If you add extra sugar make sure you dissolve the sugar well. Now, you can filter off the liquid into a glass and add a few ice cubes and chill out with your friends in a hot sunny day.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Cook Roti

Roti, the food which most South Asian people eat as a home-made snack. It is of course considered a main meal in India, and also there are other forms of the Roti known as Naan, Chapathi, famous in the middle-east Asia which I'll be telling you how to cook them in other posts.
  Now I am ready to tell you how to cook the basic Roti.


Wheat Flour 1kg

Salt 11/2 teaspoon

1 Scraped Coconut

Water or Coconut Water


  Add the flour, scraped coconut and salt together and mix it so that the flour, salt and coconut is evenly distributed. Next add water gradually to the mixture while mixing with your hands. At one point you will see that the dough is no longer sticky, you have reached the best conditions for the dough.

   Now separate small balls from the dough and flatten them on to a plate and place it on a preheated roti  pan.

Leave the flattened dough for a few minutes so that it is slightly crunchy ( do not make it too crunchy or else the roti will have a burnt taste).

Remove it from the pan and you can now enjoy your roti. Or you can eat it with Sri Lankan chillie paste (click here to find out how to make Sri Lankan chili paste)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How To Remove Battery Of Touchmate DT10 Notebook

Touchmate notebooks are rare in the world, I got one myself and it is sometimes confusing because the Touchmate company's website has nothing about the DT10. So I think I will be able to help you with some problems with the Touchmate Notebook.

How to Remove the battery.

Flip over the notebook and you may see the borders of the battery.And you may see two clips on either side of the battery.

Pull each of the clips to the side, one of them stays stationary and other springs back. So what you have to do is push the stationary clip to the side and hold the other to the other side and pull the battery away from the notebook. And now the battery is separated from the note book.

You can now either clean or change the battery.

Replacing the battery.

Leave the stationary clip unlocked and hold the other clip to the unlock side and slide in the battery. Let go the clip you are holding and push the stationary clip to the "lock" side.

Friday, November 30, 2012

How To Clean Your Laptop CD/DVD ROM

As you know most laptop, notebook ROMs are fixed all together, so that when you pull out the tray you can see the motor and focus lens. When they are used long term dust particles attach to the surface of the focus lens and gives you a hard time trying to read your disks. Most people think it is due to a fault of their disk, it maybe the disk (click here to see how to clean cds and dvds) but in some cases it is the cause of dust particles being attached to focus lens.

First lets see what you need to clean the focus lens.

  Any type of baby cologne

 Cotton buds (small)


Now let us see how you should do it.

  Take the cotton bud and dip it in the cologne well so that the bud is soaked well with cologne but at the same time make sure that the cologne does NOT drip.

 Now open the tray of your ROM and you will the the focus lens, which looks like a small glass circle,.. place the soaked cotton bud on the lens lightly and clean it, but make sure you don't flood the lens. Now let it dry ( it will dry in a few seconds, so don't worry ;).

Now to clean the rest of the ROM
  Get a piece of cotton and slightly dip it in cologne, and again make sure the cologne does not drip from the cotton. Now clean the rest of the visible parts of the tray and motor.
 The cologne will dry off in a few seconds and you are good to go.

CAUTION this procedure should be done with a lot of patience and also do NOT close the tray until everything is dry.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How To Cook Milk Rice and Lunumiris

 As a Sri Lankan, what we eat for celebrations as the main food is Milk Rice with Lunumiris. It is a very tasty treat for your mouth, the taste of milk with rice and along with a hot traditional chili paste (lunu-miris) gives wonders to your taste buds. It is my duty and will be my pleasure to teach you how to cook milk rice from home.

                           The making of the chilli paste (lunu-miris)    lunu = salt, mirischili

Things you need:

10 dried chilies
50g of red onion (small onion)
3 table spoons Maldive fish/cured tuna (ground)
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon lime



Add the dry red chilies, the maldive fish and the onions along with the salt into the grinder/blender. Now blend them well until a thick red paste is fromed.
Empty the contents into a bowl and add the lime and mix it well. Now you have you chili paste or lunu-miris.


                                The making of the milk rice ( Kiri-bath)    kiri = milk,  bath = rice

        Things you need                                                  

        500g white rice raw
        coconut milk


 Divide the coconut milk in two separate bowls in which one bowl should be dilute coconut milk and the other has thick/concentrated coconut milk.
 Wash the rice well, place it in the rice-cooker and add the dilute coconut milk until the dilute coconut milk is 1- 1.5 inches above the rice.
 When the rice is cooked halfway, add the thick or concentrated coconut milk into the rice cooker and let it be cooked to the end.
 Now you have finished cooking your milk rice.
 For presentation you can put it in a plate and cut cubes and when eating mix it with the lunu-miris well.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How To Clean CDs & DVDs

 You may have CDs and DVDs that are precious to you, but sometimes your CDs and DVDs are taken away by your friends. When they are returned to you most of the time they are scratched and now, if they are movies..they skip if they are scratched and if they are PC games the games don't install properly.
   The reason for these problems is not the scratch itself, the reason is there are particles of dust trapped in between the scratches. This method may sound crazy but trust me, it works. So this is how you can remove the unseen microscopic dust particles from your disk safely.

Things you need

Cotton Cloth

How You Should Do It

Take the scratched disk and wet the scratched surface well, or you can hold it to the tap. But do not touch the surface yet.

Now take out your toothpaste and apply some toothpaste over the scratched disk. Using your fingertips now, slowly apply it in a circular movement all over the scratched disk.

Take a little water and wash away all the tooth paste on the disk or you can hold it to the tap while still washing away the toothpaste in a circular motion.

Once the toothpaste is all removed get the cotton cloth and clean the disk dry until there is not a drop of water to be seen. And you are good to go.

Take Heed

You MUST use a soft cotton cloth or you may end up scratching you disk even more.

Clean and dry both sides of the disk or else you may crash your CD/DVD ROM

Do not leave the toothpaste for a long time or it will damage the disk.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

How To Plant Anthuriums In The Correct Way

  As we all know anthuriums are plants with a flower of adorable beauty. They come in various colors such as Red, Pink, White, Purple, Light Green and also as bi-colors like green and white, red and green, purple and green etc. But you would like to have them in the garden wouldn't you? so here is the correct way of planting an anthurium.

Things you need:

Flower Pot
Coconut Husks
Coir Dust
Pieces of Bricks

How to get an Anthurium Plant:

The easiest and the most reliable way of getting a plant is from the plant itself. You will have to find a plant with a newborn shoot. You will have to extract the new plant carefully without damaging the roots of the mother plant. I recommend you to use garden tools.

How to plant the extracted plant

Once the plant is extracted you will have to have the flower pot ready. To have the best conditions to the plant to grow you will need to:
First, place the pieces of brick in the bottom of the pot so that the brick absorbs water and keeps the roots moist.
Next, cut cubes of about 1 cubic inch of the coconut husks and place them over the top of the brick layer, until the pot is filled halfway.
 Now take the plant you extracted and place it on the top of the coconut husk cubes. Hold it straight and add a little coir dust along with compost. Finally get some coconut husks and place over the plant for support.


Once your Anthurium is planted you should place the plant in a shaded area with plenty of water. You may use fertilizers to aid flower growth.
